
Blue Dark

I relish sunsets.
Every evening 
I sit together with my family
around the table eating supper. 
My dining room chair faces west.
While we feed our bodies and our souls
with companionship, conversation and good food,
I have a front row seat to the west window.
Each day I feel the love of God
as I watch daylight fade to black.
It is as if I can hear my Heavenly Father say,
"It is time to put your cares, your worries and fears to rest.
The day is ending and you're not alone.
I'm here."

These photos were taken by my son John. Pin It


shirlgirl said...

Beautiful, Janene, and I LOVE the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

arianne said...

John took some great photos and your thoughts are perfect.

April said...

beautiful words and pictures!