
Autumn in Utah

We went to the mountains 
for family home evening. 
Just before the sun set,
I handed my eleven year old daughter Alisa the camera. 
Enjoy the beauty we found through her eyes. 


Those Who Are With Young

My daughter Ashley just found out she is going to have a little girl in a few months. 
She called me to tell me during my orchestra rehearsal because I told her I wanted to be the first to know.
A sudden cell-phone ring
and then the news . . .
I couldn't quit smiling all day.
A little girl. My granddaughter.
I can't wait to hold her.
Every woman who courageously brings a child into the world
slips her hand
into the hand of God

 He shall feed his flock
like a shepherd
gently lead
those who are with young . . .

they who wait
he promised
shall renew their strength
and not be weary
and not faint
mount up with wings as eagles

but first. . .

nine months
yielded will
consecration of self
promises kept


The Winds of Change


Autumn Begins
 waning days of summer
early days
of fall

 winds of change

sleepy winds
drunken winds
playful winds

gather in the harvest
winter is coming

Cycle of living,
season of song,
embraces and whispers,
"Life goes on."


Happy Birthday Liam!

Dear Liam,
This is a special poem I wrote just for you. 
You are celebrating your first birthday today
 in the same country where your grandfather
was a missionary almost forty years ago. 

Liam the Lyrical Fish

Granny B

I like to swim in the deep blue sea
Said Liam the lyrical fish
I like to dance to the light of the moon
Pick a star and make a wish

I like to snuggle with Mommy near
And feel her close to me
I like to race with my brothers two
In the huge Samoan sea

I like to feel the warm soft breeze
With my tail fin flashing light
I like to splash in the ocean waves
With my Dad so strong and bright

I like to find a calm tide pool
And settle in for the night
With all my family close to me
I know I’ll be alright

And when I wake to the morning sun
My dear ones close to me
This is the place I want to be
For all eternity


Unsung Heroes at Stake Conference

We had such a great Stake Conference this weekend with our newest apostle Neil Andersen and our area seventy Steven Lund and their wives. Our guests were such a blessings to all of us.  It was an honor to share in their warmth and wisdom.  

There is always another story to every conference. . . the people who make it happen.  Behind the scenes at every Stake Conference there is an army of people who volunteer their service.  There are chairs to set up, electronic capabilities to arrange, ushers for seating, flowers and musical numbers to provide and talks to prepare. 
Our conference this past weekend required an extra measure of service from unsung heroes who worked long hours to prepare a brand new building that was not quite finished.  Even while I was setting up tables to serve our visiting guests a meal, a young man was chalking and painting in the same room.  An army of people showed up to lay sod, plant trees and clean asphalt.  Right before conference was to begin, a heavy wind and rain storm began.  As my husband was standing in the foyer waiting for our guests to arrive with an umbrella to keep them dry, someone informed him that a porta-potty was standing in the front lawn directly in front of the chapel.  You can just imagine the very wet men in dark suits who quickly moved that structure.  After our meal with the guests and the meeting that followed, I walked into the kitchen ready to spend several hours doing the dishes.  To my surprise, the kitchen was full of people with their sleeves rolled up doing the work.  None of the people who gave so much this past weekend would want me to use their names.  They don't do what they do to get noticed.  They do what they do because they love our Father in Heaven and their fellowmen.
So thank you my sweet friends for your quiet service. 
I see you . . . I thank you  . . . and I deeply honor and respect you.



Writing is Awesome and Fun!

I was lucky enough to be a guest speaker at Larsen Elementary School today.  Three fifth grade classes joined together as we talked about one of my greatest loves - writing!  I had such a wonderful time with the enthusiastic teachers and students. 

My daughter Ashley is doing her student teaching at this school and will graduate from BYU in December. She is mighty lucky to have such a caring and professional teaching staff to work with her as she learns the fine art of teaching. I have the greatest respect and admiration for those who spend their lives helping children learn and grow. 
Thank you for inviting me.  I loved being with all of you today.  
Great student volunteers demonstrating how being a creator, writer and editor is all part of the writing process. 

My daughter Ashley and I standing behind her awesome fifth grade class at Larsen Elementary School

Sharing a Post by my daughter April

An Unexpected Gift
April Moody

I am the oldest of 10 children. I loved growing up in a big family. My brothers and sisters are my dearest friends.

My little brother John was born when I was in college. He was born when I really was old enough to be his mother. I'd come home after a busy day at BYU, rock him and think to myself he could be mine. I could see myself as a mother as I gazed into the eyes of my little brother. My youngest sister Alisa was born just two days before my oldest son, Josh. After he was born, Josh had to spend some time in the NICU. I was having some complications and couldn't leave my room so I was really aching to hold my baby boy. I'll never forget my Dad walking into my room and seeing my tears said, "Oh honey, do you want to hold Alisa?" Holding Alisa held me over until I could be with my little Josh.

John and Alisa have been such a gift to me.

The blessing of a little brother and sister came with an unexpected gift. I never expected they would be my children's best friends. John is the big brother they sometimes need. Alisa knows just how to make them smile when they've had a hard day. This summer they've worked on a club house, made lemonade stands, biked back and forth from house to house, and gone to "man camp." They've made huts at the cabin, had sleepovers, game nights and movie nights. They are making the sweetest memories together. I never expected that.

Thank you Mom and Dad

for having the courage to have these two.

You gave me a precious brother and sister.

And you gave me something I didn't expect-

my children's best friends.

I love you John and Alisa with all my heart.


Don't Be a Lazy Grandma

DOWN HOME with Granny B

The other day I was tending my grandson Mitchel while his mother April took care of his brother Caleb at the Primary Children's Hospital.  Mitchel is a very verbal four-year-old who makes delightful company.  First we read books, then we played with a construction set.  After I demonstrated how to make a space ship, Mitchel looked up at me with stars in his eyes and said, "You're the awesomest Grandma in the world!"

Well I was feeling pretty good about myself after that.  So we moved on to snack time.  When I needed a break to get some housework done, I gave Mitchel a fish that absorbed water and tripled in size after you placed it in a bowl of water.  

"Here watch this!" I said, hoping to keep him entertained for a few minutes.  
After three seconds Mitchel said, "I think this is boring Grandma.  How about we go outside and you can watch me jump on the trampoline?  Then we can come back inside and this fish will be huge!"

So I agreed because I am old enough to know that housework is always there - but children, on the other hand, they grow up and move away.

I watched Mitchel jumping for quite a while and then I got bored  So I wandered around our barn.
Then I heard Mitchel yell from the trampoline, "Grandma come and look at this awesome spider web I found!"
"I'll be there in a minute," I answered, taking my time to make it back to the trampoline because I was too busy being a grown up.

"Grandma!" Mitchel said, "Don't be a lazy Grandma!  Be an awesome Grandma!"
How can you say no to that? So I sprinted over and took a look at the spider web.  Mitchel was right.  It was awesome.

Mitchel, thanks for reminding how to be an awesome Grandma to my awesomest grandson Mitchel.


Happy Birthday Sandy!

Dear Sandy,
Here is a story I wrote just for you because you are my most wonderful treasure.
Sandy and the Silver Purse


Grandma Baadsgaard

When Sandy turned seven her Grandmother gave her a silver purse with a diamond studded buckle. Inside the velvet lined purse was a small mirror, one sparkly hair clip, two sparkly pink earrings and three sparkly necklaces.

“I know you love sparkly things,” Grandma said. “I want you to have fun wearing your new jewelry but I want you to make me a promise.”

“A promise?” Sandy asked.

“Whenever you open your purse I want you to look in that little mirror,” her Grandma said. “When you see your own sparkle you will find the most precious treasure.”

“What do you mean?” Sandy asked.

“When you look in the mirror, you will see . . . you. Sandy, you are the most precious treasure of all. The world has lots of expensive things that dazzle our eyes,” Grandma answered, “but sparkly things can’t compete with the real treasure that is you. You are more precious than even the largest most expensive diamond in the world!”

“I am?” Sandy asked.

“Yes!” her Grandma said. “Each time you open this purse I want you to say ‘I am a beloved daughter of God. I am worth more than all the treasures in the world.”

“I am?” Sandy asked.

“Yes,” her Grandma answered. “God’s love for you makes you sparkle and shine just like these jewels. Only your sparkle comes from the love you have inside you. This jewelry will rust and break over time. You, on the other hand, will only grow more and more shimmering and full of light as you share your sparkle with those around you.”

“I like to share,” Sandy said. “It makes me feel happy.”

“Then you know the secret,” Grandma said. “Love will never fail you as long as you give it away.”

“I like to sing,” Sandy said.

“Those who wish to sing always find a song,” Grandma said. “Find your song Sandy and always share the music inside you.”

“I like to dance,” Sandy said.

“We enter and leave the stage of life so quickly,” Grandma answered. Never stop dancing. When you dance, you share your sparkle with everyone who is watching.”

“I know how to ride a two-wheeler now,” Sandy said. “It was hard and I got hurt but I learned.”

“Always keep your courage to try new things. Don’t let the sparkle of courage fade,” Grandma answered.

“I lost my two front teeth and sometimes I’m too embarrassed to smile.” Sandy said. “I think someone might make fun of me.”

“My teeth are falling out too; only mine won’t grow back. Who we are on the inside matters most. How we treat other people is what makes us beautiful. We can lose all our teeth and still be beautiful beyond measure if we love someone.”

“Sometimes I don’t do the right thing.” Sandy said.

“Me too,” Grandma answered. “We all make mistakes. But making a mistake doesn’t mean we are a mistake. God loves us just the way we are.”

“Everybody wants me to hurry but I like to live slow.”

“Listen to the rhythm inside you. Set your own pace. Be very still and you will always hear the melody inside your heart.”

Sandy opened the silver purse and looked inside. She saw her reflection in the mirror. Then she smiled.

“Is there magic in this mirror?”

“The magic is inside you,” Grandma said. “Now what are you going to say every time you open the purse?”

“I am a beloved daughter of God. I am worth more than all the treasure in the world.” Sandy answered.

“I love you Sandy,” Grandma said reaching out her arms, “to the universe and beyond.”

“I love you too Grandma,” Sandy answered as she wrapped her arms around her Grandma’s neck and kissed her on the cheek.


Happy Birthday Kate!!!

Happy Birthday Kate!
I love you SO much.  Here is a poem I wrote just for you

Katie and Grandma

When Katie smiles for Grandma

And holds her hands up high

The day feels so much brighter

Even fairies breathe a sigh

Katie’s face lights up the room

Eyes sparkle like the sun

Her cheeks are soft and squishy

Legs are ready for a run

Katie likes to touch

Grandma’s silver hair

Then grab her wire glasses

And fling them in the air

Grandma doesn’t mind

She just plays peek-a-boo

For Katie will only be a baby

For just a year or two

Grandma soaks in all the love

As she kisses her downy hair

For Katie is Grandma’s treasure

They make a joyful pair.

Mother Love Pioneer Style

Sandy, Emily and Libby Baadsgaard acting out a favorite family pioneer story.
During the summer we had our son and his family stay at our cabin during the Utah Pioneer Days Celebration.  In addition to good food and parades we had a family home evening where we acted out our favorite family pioneer stories. 

One of my favorites involves one of my ancestors, a pioneer mother, who had her baby stolen by the Indians living in the area.  When she asked for help to ride out and get her baby back, no one was willing to take the risk of getting killed.  So did this mother sit around wondering what to do?  No way!  She rode out by herself, found the Indian camp, located her baby, grabbed her precious child in her arms, mounted the horse and rode back home.  Did that mother think twice about the personal risk?  Probably not.  Somebody took her baby and she was willing to do anything to get that baby back. 

Mothers are like that.

Caleb Is Improving!

Caleb is doing much better.
I sincerely thank you for all your prayers. 
They truly make a difference.