
Mother's Blessing

My daughter Ashley will be giving birth any day now.
All the women who love her most gathered on Saturday to honor her. . .
to remind her of her beauty and her strength.
Each of us wrote our blessing for her and created art to symbolize our joining of hearts.
We pampered her, we spoke lovingly to her and joined our lives in love. 
The following is my blessing to my precious daughter. 
Mother’s Blessing

Dear Ashley,

You are about to embark on a journey that will take you to a place you have never been before. Any day now you will have your first child. On that soul-changing moment you will give birth to your new daughter . . . and you will also give birth to a new self.

You will be a mother.

Nothing will ever be the same.

Today all the women who love you gather to celebrate your choice - for you live in a time and place when women have a choice. I cannot promise you an easy road, for I have been down that road. Yet I can promise you an adventure as you learn what it means to love someone.

You might worry about how you will react to the pain of childbirth. I can promise you that anything worth having always follows great pain; for pain opens the door to our understanding. Pain is no less important than joy for you can’t have one without the other.

You might worry that your child will have challenges. She will – we all do. Every parent takes a life-altering chance each time they conceive a child, but the choice is whether you will accept the life-altering privilege to learn the true meaning of devotion in the midst of those challenges.

Don’t try to keep pace with the world around you. Slow down. Find your own pace. Do less. Listen. Savor the moments you have with your child. Create a sacred sanctuary for your family. Live in grace. The great gift you have to give your child is you . . . unhurried and refreshed.

Though it may seem insignificant, everything you do as a mother matters –so much more than you can now comprehend. Your journey will not be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise you that every sacrifice you make for your child will contain your life’s greatest meaning-every choice to love, your life’s greatest purpose.

Love is true power – the only power that lasts.

So join hands with all the mothers who came before and those who will follow you. Feel our blessing, our strength, our compassion and understanding for you - as you join with us to change the world - one child at a time.




Faces of Adoption

A brand new brother and sister forever.
A brand new mother and daughter.
A brand new family.
A brand new father and daughter.
If you've ever wondered about adoption - think again.
Are there any guarantees the children you adopt will turn out just the way you'd like?
No . . . but no parent has that guarantee. 
Loving a child unconditionally will change you forever.
For where there is great love, there are always miracles.
In the end, I guarantee that you will be happy with the way you turn out.



Jesus - Our Older Brother and Best Friend

Happy Birthday Joshua.
You're twelve years old today.
I hope you know how much your Grandma Baadsgaard loves you.
You have an important place in your family as the older brother to your three younger brothers. 
But sometimes even the oldest brother needs to know
that he also has an older brother that he can count on. 
I love you Josh. 
Joshua and His Older Brother


Granny B

When he should have been sleeping
Josh was thinking
And before he could blink his eyes
He got a bad case of the dreaded disease
Called, Oh dear, what if I . . .

Can’t remember the school song,
Or my science fair project turns out wrong?
What if a girl asks me to dance,
And all I can do is stand there and pant?

What if I turn in my homework late,
Or can’t keep all my math facts straight?
What if my orthodontist is going crazy
And my teeth end up looking like hazy mazy?

What if the school bully punches my head,
And nobody ever listens to what I said?
What if it hurts so bad I cry,
Or what if I have a heart-attack and die?

What if the neighbor’s dog takes a bite,
And leaves me a bloody chewed up sight?
Soon Josh was a wreck, all tied up in knots
He wanted to sleep but he could not.

Then Mitchell crawled in bed next to his older brother
And said, “Josh, I’m scared. I need my mother.”
Josh pulled his younger brother in close
So he would know he loved him the most.

“Just close your eyes and repeat after me,
I’m as brave as the wind and the waves of the sea.
I’m not scared because I have an older brother.
He comes in handy when there is no mother.”

Then Mitchell relaxed for he knew Josh was near
With his big brother close-by there was nothing to fear
So Mitch went to sleep and started to snore
Then Josh closed his eyes and sang this score. . .

“I’m as brave as the wind and the waves of the sea
In God’s loving arms, safe I’ll be.
And if I get scared and there is no other
I’ll remember that I too have an older brother.

Jesus is my longest and only best friend
Who will stick by my side to the bitter end.”


Dr. Aubrey Baadsgaard Releases New Publication

My daughter, Dr. Aubrey Baadsgaard, recently released a new publication that she edited and contributed to called Breathing New Life into the Evidence of Death.

Breathing New Life into the Evidence of Death: Contemporary Approaches to Bioarchaeology

Taking cues from current theoretical perspectives and capitalizing on the strengths of new and sophisticated methods of analysis, Breathing New Life into the Evidence of Death showcases the vibrancy of bioarchaeological research and its potential for bringing “new life” to the field of mortuary archaeology and the study of human remains.
Congratulations Aubrey!
To learn more about Aubrey's work go to http://www.sas.upenn.edu/home/SASFrontiers/baadsgaard.html


Isabella is Sealed to our Family Today!

A brand new eternal family.
Joseph and Martha Baadsgaard were sealed to their daughter Isabella today.
Bradley and Isabella came to Joseph and Martha's home through the foster program.
They are both adopted now and deeply loved members of this sweet family.

Joseph, Martha, Bradley and Isabella Baadsgaard
with Grandparents Ross & Janene Baadsgarrd and Elizabeth Cruz
Loving family and friends who attended the sealing at the Provo Temple.
Martha and Isabella
Isabella celebrates with her cousins at the temple.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints husbands, wives and children can be sealed together forever.

When we are sealed in the temple, even death cannot separate us from the ones we love.


Foster Parenting Awakens the Miracle of Love

Not everyone becomes a parent the same way.

Those who invite foster children into their home and later adopt have simply found a new way.
Such is the case with my granddaughter Isabella.

Happy Birthday Isabella.
Welcome to our family . . . forever.
This is a story I wrote just for you.
Isabella Finds Her Home

Granny B

In a land far away land on the highest mountain lived a kind, gentle couple named Joseph and Martha. More than anything they wanted children of their own to love. But as the years went by, no children came.

“Our happiness would be complete if only we had a little girl to love,” Joseph said.

“I would name her Isabella,” Martha answered.

In their high mountain country the most prized possession a couple could own was a beautiful golden butterfly.

“Perhaps a golden butterfly will take our sadness away,” Martha said. “It has been almost seven years.”

After a man and woman were married for seven years in their high mountain home they were presented with a key to the national flower garden and given an hour to find a prized caterpillar to bring home.

Joseph and Martha looked forward to their garden day with great expectation. When the day arrived they dressed in their finest clothes and approached the gate to the garden. The man at the gate gave them the golden key and set the timer.

“You must be quick,” the gate keeper said. “In one hour the gate will close and you will not be able to return to your home. Return the key promptly in one hour.”

Martha and Joseph walked through the gate and began their search. They looked carefully in every place they thought caterpillars would hide - on flowers, under leaves and in all the low hanging trees, but they couldn’t find a single caterpillar. Tired and weary they returned to the man at the gate empty handed.

“Don’t look so sad,” the man at the gate said. “If you are unsuccessful here you can still go to Butterflies Incorporated.”

So Joseph and Martha found Butterflies Inc. in the richest part of town. It was a high rise building entirely made of glass. When they walked through the doors, a man dressed in a silk suit approached them.

“We have the finest caterpillars in the land here. Each one has papers that declare their parentage. All are guaranteed to become a beautiful creature just like their parents. If you will come with me I will show you where you can make your selection.”

But Joseph and Martha were not listening to the finely dressed man. Their attention was focused on a fuzzy black and white caterpillar crawling next to their feet. This caterpillar was inching back and forth across their shoes. Every once in a while the caterpillar stopped and looked up at them.

“We want this one,” Joseph said.

“You don’t want that one,” the man answered. “Why I don’t even know where that caterpillar came from. It has no papers. There is no guarantee that caterpillar will be beautiful when it has transformed. I don’t know how that creature got in here. It must have crawled in under the door. Come, follow me. You will be much safer with our papered caterpillars.”

“No,” Martha answered. “We want this one.”

Then she lovingly scooped the fuzzy caterpillar into her palm and placed her other hand over the top to protect the creature from falling.

“How much?” Joseph asked.

“There is no charge for that creature,” the man answered. You are foolish to take such a risk. You have no guarantees.”

Joseph and Martha smiled for they could see something the man could not see and feel something he could not feel.

“Our caterpillar is jumping up and down in my hand,” Martha said with a giggle. “I think it is doing a happy dance.”

After Martha and Joseph brought their new caterpillar home, they placed it in a box with lots of leaves to eat and a soft bed of cotton. Their fuzzy little caterpillar never stopped moving unless it was asleep. All day long the caterpillar chewed, crawled, did the happy dance and ate some more. Soon their caterpillar became motionless and Joseph and Martha knew the time had come. They watched as their caterpillar attached to the under-side of a strong leaf. Joseph and Martha kept watching until they both fell asleep. When they woke the next morning, their caterpillar had become a shining chrysalis.

“Now we wait,” Joseph said.

“I miss the happy dance,” Martha added.

Soon days turned into weeks and one morning when Joseph and Martha went to check on their little caterpillar they saw the most beautiful golden butterfly stretching long graceful wings in the morning sunlight.

Joseph placed the shimmering butterfly on his shoulder and took Martha by the hand. Together they hiked to the highest peak on their mountain topped with a gleaming cathedral.

After the long hike, Joseph and Martha entered the door of the cathedral and knelt at the alter to thank God for their good fortune. A man dressed in white approached them.

“Joseph and Martha, because you loved this creature with no guarantees,” the man said, “your wish is now granted.”

As he spoke those words, their butterfly’s wings circled around the delicate creature, spinning in a majestic spiral until the butterfly turned into a shining little girl with eyes that sparkled like diamonds. The little girl giggled as she slipped from her father’s shoulder and jumped down into his waiting arms.

“Isabella,” Martha and Joseph and said in unison. “We have been waiting so long for you.”

Isabella smiled, jumped from her new parent’s arms onto the floor and did a happy dance. Soon her new parents joined hands and before she knew it, legs were flying; all arms reached for the heavens and together the new family did the happiest dance in the land.


Happy Birthday Caleb

I felt prompted to help Caleb
write these letters to his family
on his 7th birthday.
He died unexpectedly a few weeks later.

Happy Birthday Caleb!
Instead of writing a story for your birthday this year I want to help you write a few letters to your mother, father and brothers Joshua, Mathew and Mitchell. 
I think if you were able to write a letter to these very special people who love you so much and take such good care of you they might read like this . . .

Dear Mother,

Many years ago you went in for an ultrasound very early in your pregnancy. You found out that I was a boy . . . and you also found out that I was missing my brain. When the medical professionals told you that I had no chance of survival and recommended an abortion - thank you for having the courage to listen to your heart and not your fears. When they told you I would have no quality of life and that I would ruin your family’s quality of life, thank you for choosing to discover what quality of life really means. When they told you I was missing an eye, thank you for choosing to see me as your precious son and not what the doctor called me (not viable - not conpatible with life). When further tests revealed that my entire head had not formed correctly and that my cleft-plate, partially formed nose and multiple missing cranial structures would make eating and breathing in a usual way impossible, thank you for choosing not to despair, but to devote yourself cheerfully and gratefully to my 24-hour care. When the doctors told you to take me home, buy a burial plot and let me die, thank you for choosing to fight for my life and celebrate each day I was in your home.

These past seven years have brought multiple hospitalizations and near death emergencies. We’ve spent a lot of time in hospital, you and me. Thank you for always being there right beside me when each individual breath was painful, labored and exhausting. I’ve heard your every prayer, every heart-felt longing and each exhausted plea to God. And though I’ve never been able to speak a word or raise my arms to embrace you, never doubt how much I love you my precious mother. There is a love deeper than life and broader than time between you and me, an eternal bond that time and circumstance will never break.

I am so grateful that you have chosen to live the past seven years with joy, not sorrow – that my presence was and is enough for you. The world defines us by what we can do. Thank you for choosing to define me by who I am. There will be a day, beyond this life, when I will be able to say all the things I never said, but I have a feeling you already know. When two hearts are knit together, there is often no need for words.

I was born in the winter, a time of waiting before the spring. Always remember that winter’s promise is the hope of spring. There will be a day when the time of waiting is over and all that was lost will be reborn.

I love you mom.


Dear Father,

I know you and mom stay up late every night with me so my medication can take effect and also to have some special snuggle time with me. You and Mom usually tuck me into bed around midnight, but it usually isn't long until my alarms start beeping, I need suctioning, a diaper change or more medicine. A few nights a week I have a night nurse who sits with me from 12-6 so you and mom can get some sleep. But on the other nights, it is you and me Dad. You are always there with me when I need you in the night. Those late night hours when it is just you and me mean everything to me. In this life I will never be able play catch, or even speak or hug you. But I know that when fathers love their sons, they love them in the way they need to be loved. With us it is g-tubes, respirators and diapers.

You are always there with me when I need you in the day also. Dad, thank you for going to work every day at BYU so that all of us have everything we need.

Dad, I want you to know about something you may not see. When fathers love their sons like you love me, the powers of heaven open. There are angels around you every night, lifting your arms when you are too tired and keeping you awake when every cell in your body screams for sleep. I am aware of and grateful for every time you turn me, change my diaper, suction me then hug me and kiss me. You never complain, and though I can’t respond when you talk to me, I hear you Dad. I hear every word, spoken or unspoken, every desire, and every prayer to God in my behalf.

I also love the way you tease me like Dad’s do. Like the way you call me One-eye and let me dress up as the one-eyed pirate on Halloween.

I love the way take me everywhere and proudly tell people I am your son. When you come into my room at night I always proudly tell the angels that you are my father.

I love you Dad.

Dear Brothers,

Josh, Matty and Mitch - I’m so happy that you are my brothers. You always take time every day to include me and make me an important part of the Moody boy’s story.

I remember when you used to crawl in in crib when I was a baby and sing “I am a child of God” when my heart rate was getting too slow. You always brought me toys and even though I couldn’t play with them the way you do, I imagined myself playing with them and it was still fun.

I love it when you hug and kiss me and tell me about your day. Even though I can’t raise my arms to hug you back, I love the way you lift my arms around your neck and put your cheek next to my lips.

When you talk to me I can’t answer you with my mouth in words, but I hear you listening to me with your heart. When you’re listening that way you can hear me telling you, “I love you Josh.” “I love you Matty.” “I love you Mitchell.” Thank you for helping mom during the day when I need to be turned or suctioned. That is such a nice way to tell me you love me back.

Don’t worry about my eye that is missing. When I was in heaven, I knew the Baadsgaard secret code for telling each other “I love you, you’re wonderful, and you can do it!” It was a wink. I knew that I would never be able to speak to you with words in this life, so I thought of a plan. That is why I chose to come as your brother winking so that you would always know that I love you and believe in you. Thank you for believing in me – believing that I am still your brother inside this body – even though I can’t move, or see or hear or think the way you do. Thank you for believing that even though I’m missing my brain, I’m not missing my heart and soul. Thank you for believing that we will always be one of the Moody boys and we’ll always love each other forever.

I love you Joshua.

I love you Mathew

I love you Mitchell.
