
Cabin Time with April's Family

Janene Baadsgaard hugging her daughter April.
Ross Baadsgaard with son-in-law Dallan Moody and grandsons Josh, Matthew and Mitchell.
Ross Baadsgaard hugging his daughter April.

Exploring Cathedral Valley in Capitol Reef with Alisa

Alisa Baadsgaard at Glass Mountain.

Temple of the Moon in Cathedral Valley in Capitol Reef National Monument.

Cathedral Valley monoliths.

Temple of the Sun with Janene Baadsgaard.
Ross exploring in Cathedral Vallely
Grand over-look of Cathedral Valley with Ross and Janene Baadsgaard.

Rock Hounding with Joseph, Christian and Ellie is so much fun!

Ellie and Christian in the rock hauling truck.
Joseph with his children Ellie and Christian.
Joseph's favorite purchase of the day for his wife Martha.
Ready to polish rock for Joseph.
This is Joseph's description of the days fun at the Shamrock Mine:

"Need something fun to do? Go rock hounding. Need amazing material go Shamrock Mining LLC. We went out their shop in Hanna UT. It's a beautiful drive and you're met by wonderful people. Thank you Jeannie Stott for your warm welcome and fun conversation. Thank you Mom and Dad for a fun ride in the truck with Christian and Elizabeth and for taking us out for lunch. We had a great time. "- Joseph Baadsgaard