
Dancing With My Son

Last night while my daughter Alisa was gone with her father shopping, my fifteen-year-old son John asked if he could practice dancing with me.

John is playing the part of the beast in his junior high play of "Beauty and the Beast". There is a scene where he dances with Belle. They didn't have much time to practice at school.

John doesn't know this, but I so savored every moment of our dance together. Because John and his sister Alisa are the last two of my ten children living at home, I know from experience how fleeting my time with my children really is.

As we waltzed around the room, my mind whirled with tender memories of John growing up. Motherhood and childhood is a tenuous dance - we hold fast to each other - never quite knowing when to hold on and when to let go. First one leads then one follows. This night it felt like such an honor to have John lead me now.

"You're letting me lead you," John said.
"I know," I answered.

Should I lead or follow? How difficult it is to know  . . .  is now the right time to hold on or let go?

Ultimately my sons and daugters have led me to place of deep abiding love I did not know existed before.

Thank you for asking me to dance John. Last night was a moment I will remember forever.
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