
Happy Mother's Day to Women Everywhere

You might think these words would make me the happiest . . .

"You just won the lottery!"

"Your book just made the New York Times Best Seller List!"

But these are the words I treasure most . . .

"I love you Mom."

"I love you Grandma."

"I love you Sweetheart"

There is no treasure so rare and precious as the love of a child.

Happy Mother's Day
to all women everywhere
who choose to
and love. 

What is the true measure of a year - or a life? 
 As we willingly care for the needs of those around us,
 we are renewed and reborn,
for real mother love transforms both the lover and the beloved.  The true value of a year or a life
is not measured by the number of our children
or by our seasons
but by our personal capacity 
to love. 

Each woman's contribution is meaningful;
each choice to love is significant and profound.

1 comment:

shirlgirl said...

Amen to that post, Janene! Beautiful!