
Changing the Way We View Our Circumstances

By the raise of hands, how many of you think you are absolutely, world-class wealthy? Whenever I ask that question, no one ever raises their hand.

What if I asked you this question instead: How many of you live in a home with a non-dirt floor? Would you raise your hand? If you would, you should realize that according to the United Nations, you are in the top 50% of the world’s wealthiest people based on that response alone.

Now what if I asked you this question: How many of you live in a home with a window, a door and more than one room?  Would you raise your hand?  If you would, you are in the top 20% of the world's wealthiest people.

Now what if I asked you this question: How many of you have a pair of shoes, a change of underwear, can choose between two or more foods to eat and can read? If you answer yes, you are in the top 10% of the world’s wealthiest people.

Now, I’m going to ask you the first question I posed - again. How many of you think you are absolutely, world-class wealthy? My guess is that all of you would raise your hand now. Why? Did your circumstances change? No. Your perspective changed. We might go through our whole lives thinking we’re poor, when we’re actually wealthy. If we could be wrong about something like that, what else might we be wrong about?

Life is a glorious thing no matter what our present circumstances.  If we are looking through the lense of abundance. . . each day a golden harvest.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord . . . serve the lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving . . ." Psalm 100:1-2,4


April said...

What a wonderful reminder- we are so blessed! Love you mom!

arianne said...

Even in our hardest trials, I've always thought, is this as bad as all that? I've never REALLY known want, been hungry or cold. We're so spoiled. It's good to be reminded of that.