
Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart

Dear Ross,
Happy Valentines Day sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about all the reasons I love you. I remember getting to know you in high school. I remember staying after school for yearbook and having you stop by after football practice. I remember feeling a tap on my shoulder and finding you on the opposite side grinning while I walked down the hall. I remember observing how kind you were to everyone. You didn’t know it but your peers looked up to you as a leader and friend. That is why they elected you student body president when you didn’t even run.

I remember how handsome and masculine I thought you were and how I admired your ability to be the total package . . . spiritual, academic, athletic, fun and kind. The first time you asked me out I was SO excited. On our first date I remember feeling warmly comfortable with you. I liked the way you weren’t concerned with what other thought of us and how much fun we had being goofy.

I remember our dates . . . mostly up in the canyons hiking around and enjoying the outdoors. I remember starting BYU together and the way you would walk me to devotionals. I remember the dances we went to and how it felt to have you hold me in your arms. I remember standing on my tip-toes when we hugged each other. I remember our first tender kiss the night before you left on your mission and the dozen red roses I received that night after you left when I was home alone feeling sad. I remember praying about our relationship many times and the resulting feelings of peace.

I remember two years of writing to each other EVERY week while you were in Samoa. I think we both grew in maturity and wisdom during those years. I remember wondering how we would feel about each other when you got home. Then one day after you returned we were driving in the truck together and I felt this overwhelming feeling of comfort and joy and I knew that you were the one for me.

We were just two naïve kids that didn’t know anything but that we loved each other . . . and so we joined our hands, our hearts, our lives and our destiny. Can you believe what a wonderful life we’ve had together? I had no idea there was so much love in the whole world. I don’t think we had any idea what was in store for us. God blessed our union with ten absolutely awesome children and now their spouses and our grandchildren.

I love being your wife. You are the perfect husband for me. I love your quiet acts of service. I love snuggling with you. I love the way you walk and talk. I love seeing your face come through the door at night after a hard day of work and the way you always give me a hug and kiss. I love kneeling at our bed each night and praying together. I love watching you get silly and play with our children and grandchildren. I love watching you work in the yard and the way you’ve made our two acres a piece of heaven on earth.

I respect your honesty and integrity. I love your sense of humor and your playful side that likes to tease and laugh. I love to see what your hands build and your heart embraces. You have a brilliant mind, a masculine body, a kind and gentle soul and my total heart forever. I look forward to the rest of our grand adventure together. You are my cherished friend and dearest love.

I love you.



Ashley Baadsgaard Worthen said...

That was beautiful, Mom. Thanks for sharing.

April said...

I'm crying... that was beautiful. You two are an amazing couple. I love you.

Karen said...

You two are a wonderful example of love and working together. I'm sure glad you found each other and have such wonderful kids!