
New Christus Statue Unveiled At Oakland Temple Visitor's Center

by Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard

         The Visitor's Center at the Oakland Temple announces the acquisition of a stunning new statue of Jesus Christ. Displayed on a pedestal in the entrance to the center, this inspiring replica of the famous Christus Statue welcomes al visitors. The original Christus Statue, considered by many to be one of the greatest sculptures of Christianity, was crafter by Bertal Thorvaldsen in the early 1800's and is in the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, Denmark.

          To learn more about the original Christus Statue, watch "A Thing of Beauty: Bertel Thorvaldsen's Christus (youtube.com)
     This thought-provoking new statue features Jesus in his resurrected body with outstretched, welcoming arms. As the viewer approaches the statue of Christ, the sign of His crucifixion can be seen as wounds in His hands, feet, and uncovered side. Those who take a moment to pause, feel a sense of reverence as they look up into the loving face of Jesus and contemplate the transforming power of Christ's love. 
     Comfortable benches surrounding the statue, give visitors a chance to be still and listen to a recording of Christ's healing words in their own language. Those feeling weighed down by life's challenges can rest in this space and contemplate what Christ's mission and teachings mean to them Being near the Christus help to recall his words, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28.

     Children are always welcome at the visitor's center and bring a happy curiosity and enthusiasm as they view the new statue reminding observers of Christ's words, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:4

Eliana points enthusiastically to the new statue of Christ with her parents Selena and Saidu Conten.

          The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has crafter many replicas of this famous Christus statue and display them all around the world in visitor's centers to proclaim church member's devotion to the Savior and his teachings.

         Elder and Sister Child serve as directors at the Visitor's Center. They, along with several senior couples. volunteer their time to assist visitors.

     Young women from all over the world, who speak many languages, also serve there. Why would these senior couples and young women leave their homes and families to serve at their own expense?
     "I love my Savior with all my heart and want to serve Him until I take my last breath," Elder Childs said. "Each day I see visitors look at the statue, then kneel to pray. After listening to Christ's recorded narration in their own language, many weep."
     "I feel so honored to serve here," Sister Childs said. "When visitors come here, they often tell me they feel so much peace. Others say they have never been in a place where they feel so loved and welcomed."

           Prophet and President Russel Nelson, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced a new symbol for the church on April 4, 2020, that features this Christus statue. This image of the Christus Statue is used by the church on its webpages and other official publications.


When Family Comes Together in Love

My husband and I are serving a full-time two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Oakland California. We left behind our home, family and easy retirement living. Why would we do that? Because we love our Savior and desire to help others come to know the healing, hope and joy we've found. We've had incredible experiences we will treasure forever. One unexpected experience happened on Memorial Day. While we were serving at the mission office in Oakland, California, we watched on our phones as our supportive, loving children and grandchildren gathered at our home in Spanish Fork Utah to re-landscape our front yard. Previously our son John had built a retaining wall and our daughter-in-love Bekah had designed and purchased all the plants for the transformation. It felt like Christmas. Why would they do that? Because they love us, they love each other and they love their Savior. When a family comes together in love, beautiful memories are made and endure forever.


Alice is baptized

April 28, 2024

Dear Alice,

 I’m so excited that you are turning eight years old this year because that means that you are old enough to choose to be baptized. I’m so happy you have made that choice. I remember when I was baptized on my eight-year-old birthday in a little white church across the street from my house in Union, Utah. My congregation had all the children being baptized sit on small wooden chairs and talked to us for a while. I don’t remember what they said, but I do remember what I felt.

I felt excited and a little scared before I was baptized. Maybe you are also. When I was baptized, the water was warm and I felt clean and happy when I came out of the water. Then I put my dry clothes back on, walked out of the church and into the cold January winter air. I remember looking up and seeing lacy white flakes of snow falling all around me. Even though it was cold outside, I felt warm inside. I knew God loved me and was pleased I wanted to come home to heaven someday.

I also knew that Jesus was my best friend and that if I tried to live like Him that I would be happy. When I was your age, they waited until Sunday to confirm me at church and give me the gift of the Holy Ghost. I felt protected when the men with the priesthood made a circle around me and put their hands on my head as my father confirmed me.

What I didn't know was that the man I was going to marry someday was being baptized on the very same day, January 6th (my birthday) in a little town called Spanish Fork, Utah. He was a little scared and excited too. Because we both wanted to be like Jesus, we found each other many years later. We recognized we had the same dreams and plans for life.

           When your grandfather got back from his mission to Samoa, we were married in the SLC temple and made special promises to God. We were sealed for time and eternity. Pretty soon your mother was born. Then she grew up and married your daddy in the same SLC temple and then pretty soon, you were born.

Being baptized is such a sacred time because we participate in our first saving ordinance and make our Heavenly Father our first official promise. You are a daughter of God, Alice, and your Heavenly parents love you. They want you to be happy so they made a plan of happiness for you to follow so you can return to them. 

Now that you are eight, God thinks you are wise enough to know the difference between right and wrong choices. Heavenly Father knows that some of the choices we make will not be wise. Because He loves us, He wants us to know how to change so we will not be trapped by our mistakes. So He invites us to make a promise to Him and then He makes a promise right back to us. When we make a special promise to God and He makes one right back to us, it is called a covenant. Heavenly Father never breaks a promise.

The promise you make to God is that you will remember Jesus, follow Him, serve others and keep His commandments. Heavenly Father promises you that He will forgive you if you repent. He also promises that you can return to live with Him and gives you the gift of the Holy Ghost to help, guide, protect, warn and comfort you.

           Did you know that you can be re-baptized every Sunday? Everybody makes mistakes after they are baptized so Heavenly Father gave us the sacrament every week. That is when we remember the covenant we made when we were baptized. We think about our week and decide how to be better during the coming week. We think about our Savior Jesus Christ and how He atoned for all our sins, pains, disappointment and grief. We also think about Christ’s resurrection and that we can be resurrected too someday. Taking the sacrament with a humble heart is just like being baptized again.

I hope you will write about how you feel in your journal the day on your baptism day. Never forget you are a child of God and can inherit the eternal life God has planned for you. And never forget your grandma loves you with all her heart.


Grandma Baadsgaard.   



Oakland Temple at Sunrise

As part of our two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my husband and I work in the office of the Oakland San Francisco Mission right across the street from the Oakland Temple. My husband took this picture while on a morning walk at sunrise. We have the great blessing of attending this temple every week where we feel peace and joy and experience an eternal perspective for the challenges we face in life. I love the temple and feel so blessed to live close by this House of God.


Cambodian New Year Celebration

I LOVE serving a mission in Oakland and San Francisco! We are surrounded with so many beautiful people and cultures with fascinating traditions that truly enrich my life. 
For example, we served at a Cambodian New Year Celebration recently. 

We have a small Cambodian branch in Oakland that meets in the same building we do each Sunday. Many of the small church units around here have young missionaries and senior missionary couples who attend their services so they can bless the lives of those in the small branch. 

Of course these missionaries soon discover they are the ones who are being blessed by wonderful people of multiple cultures and backgrounds. 

A small Cambodian branch sponsors a New Year celebration for the whole Bay Area and has been doing this service for 28 years. As people immigrate to the US, many young people lose the traditions of their parents. So this small branch sponsors this celebration to give Cambodian families in the bay area a chance to celebrate their heritage. 

This Cambodian branch puts together a wonderful program of dance in the auditorium and then provides a free meal of Cambodian food after. Hundreds of people show up and enjoy the evening, all for free because of the generosity of the members of the church here.