
Jesus Christ's Love For Each Of Us

When all my children were small, I could never find baby Jesus in the nativity set during the holiday season. I usually located the tiny wooden babe in a manger tucked away under my daughter’s pillow or hidden under my son’s bed. I finally understood that each of my children wanted Jesus for themselves. So I purchased a nativity set for each child.

When I was a young mother my children often called out to me in the blackness of their bedroom for comfort and reassurance when they felt lonely and scared. As adults my children call me on the phone when life is hard and they feel sad or afraid. My deepest desire is that I find the words Jesus would say if he were with them.

For I know that each of us needs our own Jesus. Christ gives hope to a troubled world yet He also gives hope to each of us personally. No matter what has happened to us or what we have done, He offers redeeming love, healing and peace.

I went to a choral and orchestra concert at the concert hall in SLC a few days ago. When one choir sang, "Christ the babe was born for you," I felt the meaning of those words sink deep into my soul. For I also need my own Jesus.

I was so profoundly moved by Christ's love for me that I wept openly in that crowded public hall. That was the moment, my moment, when I felt my Savior's love just for me.

And that is my greatest wish for you this season - that one quiet moment when you least expect it, you will feel down deep to the core of your soul - the love of your Savior . . . . just for you.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus IS with each of your children. He surrounds them and fills them with His love and grace because that is who He is. You inspire me and I pray for you. Blessings and peace.