
When Your Sister Is Your Best Friend

Happy Birthday Katie!

Here is a poem I wrote just for you on your second birthday.

Never forget how much your Grandma Baadsgaard loves you. You're my piece of gold.


Katie and Her Best Friend


Granny B


My name is Kate.

I have a dog

and a Mom and a Dad.

I also have a sister named Emma.

So I won’t be sad.


Emma is my best friend.

She lives in my house with me.

She lets me jump on her bed

and keeps me company.


Sometimes we feel dancy

So we hold hands and twirl

I like my fancy shoes

They squeak whenever I swirl


 Sometimes we watch movies

Cuddle under blankets and talk.

Sometimes we read books

or go for a little walk.


Whenever I feel scared.

Emma sits right next to me.

Whenever I feel sleepy

She takes good care of me.


And when the day is over

And the skies become a sea

Emma brings her blanket

And snuggles up with me.


Soon when we grow up

And pretty soon grow old

I know my sister Emma

Is my piece of gold


For when you love your sister

You always have a friend

It doesn’t matter what goes wrong

She’s your treasure to the end.
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