
Happy Birthday Libby

Dear Libby, here is a story I wrote just for you on your birthday.
Never forget how much your Grandma loves you and what a treasure you are.
Libby - Ray of Sunshine


Grandma Baadsgaard

          When Libby woke up in the morning, her room was dark.
“I know just what to do,” Libby said pulling back the curtain covering her window.

          Sunshine streamed in through the east window and flooded her room with light.
            Libby rubbed her eyes and walked into the kitchen. She found her dad eating his cornflakes looking rather glum.

          “I know just what to do,” Libby said. “Close your eyes Daddy.”

Libby walked over to her dad, climbed into his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a great big kiss. He smiled and hugged her back.

          “How is my Libsers?” her dad asked. “You’re my ray of sunshine.”

          Just then Libby saw her mother flipping pancakes next to the stove.

          “Hey mom,” Libby asked, “what is a witch’s stand?”

          “What do you mean?” her mother answered.

          “Whenever we say the Pledge of Allegiance at school, they always say, ‘we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for witch’s stand.’”

          Libby’s mother laughed out loud and hugged Libby.

“Oh, Libby, you always make me smile,” her mother said. “You’re a ray of sunshine.  It really says, and to the republic for which it stands.”

          Libby shook her head as her mother gave her two pancakes.

Then Libby’s sister Sandy walked into the kitchen and Libby’s mother gave her three pancakes.

          “I know just what to do,” Libby said. “Hey Mommy, you gave her lotsters than me.”

          Sandy smiled and giggled.

          “I love the way you make up your own words,” Sandy said. “That is lots more not lotsters than me. Libby, you give me sunshine in my tummy.”

          After breakfast Mommy dropped Emily and Sandy off to school and took Andrew and Libby to the grocery store.

          “I know just what to do,” Libby said as she raced to find the shopping cart with a car and steering wheel.

          When Libby’s mommy put Andrew into the car, he smiled so big.

          “You know just what to do to make Andrew happy,” Libby’s mommy said.

          When they got home from the grocery store Libby’s mother said, “Libby you can choose to clean your room or play with Andrew while I make lunch.”

Libby shook her head.

“I know just what to do,” Libby said. “Mommy you can choose to let me watch my Barbie movie or you can let me play with Megan.”

Libby’s mommy laughed. Libby shook her head.

“Mommy, you can choose to let me ride my bike or let me eat candy.”

Libby’s mommy wrapped her arms around Libby and gave her a big hug.

“Libby you can be my sunshine,” her mommy said, “or you can be my sunshine.”

“I know just what to do,” Libby said. “Sunshine. I’ll be your sunshine.”

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April said...

HAPPY birthday sweet Libby! We love you!!

Karen said...

Thanks, Mom. We all loved hearing the story. The gift was a hit!
She really is our ray of sunshine.

shirlgirl said...

Happy Birthday, Libby. I love your Grandma's story she wrote for your special day.