
Sharing a Post by my daughter April

An Unexpected Gift
April Moody

I am the oldest of 10 children. I loved growing up in a big family. My brothers and sisters are my dearest friends.

My little brother John was born when I was in college. He was born when I really was old enough to be his mother. I'd come home after a busy day at BYU, rock him and think to myself he could be mine. I could see myself as a mother as I gazed into the eyes of my little brother. My youngest sister Alisa was born just two days before my oldest son, Josh. After he was born, Josh had to spend some time in the NICU. I was having some complications and couldn't leave my room so I was really aching to hold my baby boy. I'll never forget my Dad walking into my room and seeing my tears said, "Oh honey, do you want to hold Alisa?" Holding Alisa held me over until I could be with my little Josh.

John and Alisa have been such a gift to me.

The blessing of a little brother and sister came with an unexpected gift. I never expected they would be my children's best friends. John is the big brother they sometimes need. Alisa knows just how to make them smile when they've had a hard day. This summer they've worked on a club house, made lemonade stands, biked back and forth from house to house, and gone to "man camp." They've made huts at the cabin, had sleepovers, game nights and movie nights. They are making the sweetest memories together. I never expected that.

Thank you Mom and Dad

for having the courage to have these two.

You gave me a precious brother and sister.

And you gave me something I didn't expect-

my children's best friends.

I love you John and Alisa with all my heart.

1 comment:

Saedi said...

Oh my heavens, I needed this today! Such a beautiful tribute to your awesome family!!!